'Text' command


text (text) (duration) (color) (size) (background color) (text alignment) (frame) (animate) (animate duration)


{"cmd":"text","msg":"(text)","duration":"(duration)","color":"(color)","size":"(size)","bgcolor":"(background color)","align":"(text
alignment)","frame":"(frame)","animate":"(animate)","aniduration":"(animate duration)","bgcolor":"(background color)"}


text HelloWorld! 30 black 3 white left text
text “Hello World!” 30 lime 4 yellow center main
{"cmd":"text","msg":"Hello World!","duration":"30","color":"lime":"size":"4","bgcolor":"white","align
":"left","frame":"main","animate":"slide","aniduration":"1","bgcolor":"red "}


  1. In CLI mode, if message contains ‘space’, use "" to enclose the message string
  2. Align can be center, left or right
  3. Frame can be text, main, t1, t2, t3 or t4
  4. duration: unit is ‘seconds’, ‘0’ means to end play
  5. animate: can be delay, fade, slide, left, right
  6. animate duration: unit is ‘seconds’

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